CentOS Dojo @ Paris, France 25th Aug 2014
Monday 25 August, 10:00 AM 2014 to 5:00 PM 2014
11 Rue de Milan, Paris, IDF, 75009 (View Map)

The CentOS Dojo's are a one day event, organised around the world, that bring together people from the CentOS Communities to talk about systems administration, best practices in Linux-centric activities and emerging technologies of note. The emphasis is to find local speakers and tutors to come together and talk about things that they care about most, and to share stories from their experiences working with CentOS in various scenarios.

This is a Free to attend event, but we require people to register in advance. Seats are limited, so please register early to avoid disapointment later.

We also have speaker slots open, if you would like to present a user-story or come talk about a success story around CentOS, please get in touch with us at ; We welcome talks in both French and English. People attending Dojo's also typically appreciate content on and around technology and culture in IT operations. Talks around those subjects are also welcome.

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