Women in Wireless UK - Women Leading the Innovation Charge
Wednesday 25 June, 6:30 PM 2014 to 9:30 PM 2014
Somerset House, London, England, WC2R 1LA (View Map)

In the past, innovation was thought of as being largely the realm of larger corporations, and originating primarily or exclusively from R&D; labs. However, a broader view of innovation – one that goes beyond technology and products – has emerged. In these dynamic, consumer-led, technology centric times, products and services must innovate to differentiate against their competitors to deliver sustainable advantage.

Come along and meet the women who are leading the charge when it comes to innovation. Learn about how they are using innovation practices in organisational behaviour, marketing, new product / service development and ultimately how they are creating value and reaping true business benefits through the creation of an integrated eco-system that fosters innovation.


Panel members include:

Diana Stepner, VP Innovation Partnerships & Developer Relations

Pearson - British multinational publishing and education company headquartered in London. It is the largest education company and the largest book publisher in the world.



Sarah Watson, Group Mobile Manager

THE NET-A-PORTER GROUP, (which includes Net-a-Porter, Mr Porter, The Outnet and the recently launched Porter Magazine) – The World’s premier online luxury fashion destination.



Liz Whitney, Business Director

ustwo – a global digital product studio dreaming and doing transformative client, own product and venture work.



Roberta Lucca, Co-founder, CEO of WonderLuk

WonderLuk – fashion as you never experience it before: 3D Printed Jewellery and Accessories. Made to order.



Sally Turner-Hopkins, Founder

Angel Academe – A network for professional women with extensive business experience who want to support tech entrepreneurs, particularly other women, as mentors, non-execs and angel investors.



Panel Chair

Russell Buckley

Government Advisor, Angel Investor, Mentor


About the Event:

Arrive 6.30pm for networking.

7pm start for the panel discussion.

8.15pm – 9.30pm drinks, food and networking!


About our wonderful sponsor Pearson:

Pearson is the world's leading learning company, with 40,000 employees in more than 80 countries working to help people of all ages to make measurable progress in their lives through learning. We provide learning materials, technologies, assessments and services to teachers and students in order to help people everywhere aim higher and fulfil their true potential. We put the learner at the centre of everything we do.


Somerset House, London, England, WC2R 1LA (View Map)
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