Day 2: Thanks, Otto! 125 years of pensions
Wednesday 29 October, 12:00 AM 2014 to 4:00 PM 2014
Pariser Platz 6, Berlin, Germany, Online (View Map)

This conference marks the 125th anniversary of the introduction of the world’s first public pension in Germany by Otto von Bismarck. Since then, Bismarck’s pension model has influenced the development of pension and social security systems around the world. The fact that the majority of people in high income countries can expect to receive a pension when they get older is a massive policy success. However, this success has not been global, and in low and middle income countries only 25% of older people receive a pension.

The world has also changed significantly, and continues to change today. High levels of informality and migration have transformed the expected trajectory of labour markets. While extreme poverty is declining, inequality has dramatically increased. Climate change is resulting in increasingly unpredictable and extreme weather conditions that leave more people very vulnerable. Population ageing is challenging existing institutions, societal structures and expectations around the lifecourse. Other shifts such as an increased recognition of the rights of older people, issues surrounding the sustainability of pensions and concerns of intergenerational fairness are also changing debates on ageing and pensions.

On the 28th and 29th of October 2014 at the Allianz Forum, Berlin we will bring together academics, NGOs, practitioners, governments from North and South and members of the private sector working on social protection and pensions in Germany and around the world.

“Thanks, Otto! 125 years of pensions” will explore the history of Bismarck’s pension and the impact it has had on pension policy. We will look at the changes of the past 125 years and explore the impact that this has had on pensions. We will ask – What roles do pension play? What are the challenges are we facing? How are countries responding to these challenges? What is the future of retirement? How will we fund pensions?

Allianz Forum
Pariser Platz 6, Berlin, Germany, Online (View Map)
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