Innovating with people 4: an Inclusive Design Masterclass

This is a past event
DANA CENTRE AT THE SCIENCE MUSEUM, 165 Queen's Gate, South Kensington London SW7 5HD
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The Royal College of Art will be offering an integrated suite of three Executive Masterclasses that have been carefully designed to introduce business owners and senior managers to the valuable concept of design thinking and provide and orientation to design-led innovation, within both a product and service context.

Innovating With People: an inclusive design thinking masterclass

The second masterclass aims to give participants an introduction into inclusive design and how it is increasingly being used as an innovation tool. We will share tools and techniques that will help develop a better understanding of the details of people’s lifestyles and behaviour as well as coach participants through methods such as user research, observation, rapid ethnography, persona building and participatory design techniques. Companies will also learn how to do ‘empathic research’, how to work with ‘extreme users’. A people-centered approach to design holds many benefits for businesses and can be a source of inspiration for innovation, uncovering problems or issues that have not previously been addressed. The resulting products, services and environments can widen your consumer base, increase appeal in culturally different global markets and give your businesses a competitive edge.


RCA Executive Masterclass Series
As a partner for London Fusion, the Royal College of Art (RCA) has carefully designed a suite of Masterclasses that will introduce business owners to the valuable concept of 'design thinking' and provide an orientation to the important, strategic benefits of a design-led approach to business and solving problems, within both a product and service context.

The successful implementation of good strategic design throughout a company and its processes can increase demand, unlock new market opportunities, drive growth and can in turn deliver an excellent return on investment along with creating improved long-term sustainability.

Our team will help you choose which one of the three sessions provides the best fit for where you are as a company. You will have the opportunity to gain a holistic overview of user-centered design and innovation, taking away a valuable set of tools and methods, which when applied to your businesses will help steer a path towards future success.

The three Masterclass choices are:

  1. Design-led Innovation: a design thinking masterclass
  2. Innovating with People: an inclusive design masterclass
  3. Creating better Customer Experiences: a sevice design masterclass

Please note:

You will be required to fill out an application form before the event.

This is an ERDF fully funded programme for eligible SMEs. Your Eventbrite Order Confirmation does not count as confirmation of your place. We will contact you to confirm allocation of your place. Only eligible companies are guaranteed attendance. For eligibility and registration information please visit:

For more information, please contact:

T. 020 7590 4580



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