IE Business School Community

IE Business School, top–ranked international business school in...

Alumni Forum Madrid 2015, February 6th, 2015 - "Fast Forward: Why Innovation Matters"

Dear all,

We are very pleased to invite you to the IE Alumni Forum Madrid that will take place in February 2015!!

Learn, network and engage with experts on the future of business. Grow your knowledge! Examine innovation through different lenses. Grow your network! For the first time ever, we have incorporated networking spaces with a wide array of topics to help connect alumni around shared interests. Grow with IE! We will share with you updates on IE, our plans for the future, our innovative ecosystem and how to get involved in exciting projects like our App Challenges WorldWide. Last but not least, we will unveil the new alumni magazine IDEAS. 

We have over 18 speakers and for the first time ever, dedicated networking spaces on topics such as Cyber Security, Workspace Design, Recruiting 4.0 and many more. We count on your full support to spread the word and help make this event a great success.


*To see the agenda, click here.


Best wishes,

Patrycja Skurzak