Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) is the custodianship of software from its initial planning through to retirement and essentially covers the product lifecycle management of application software. It refers to how changes in, and use of, the application are tracked and evaluated as the application is developed and used. ALM encompasses all aspects of the creation of an application from requirements management to software architecture, programming, testing, maintenance and support. To work effectively it requires an approach similar to that of DevOps whereby tasks belong jointly to application development and systems operations teams. And similarly, an effective relationship between IT and the business is needed.
While ALM has been around for a while, companies need to keep up-to-date with innovations and with useful ways to couple ALM with DevOps and Agile, for example. At the same time both new and established adopters can greatly benefit from other businesses’ experiences.
The event takes a primarily case-study-approach to ALM, showing how to implement it successfully and address possible challenges. This more practical approach is reflected in the structure of the conference: the programme will feature both case studies and more theoretical presentations. However, even those talks focusing on new tools, issues and methods, will include practical examples. Attendees will get the chance to learn from ALM adopters and experts, but also to interact with them. Especially, the high number of examples will make it easier to identify similarities and differences in real-life scenarios, thus boosting the thought-provoking and learning value of the conference for each attendee.
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