Day 1: Restorative Practices & Conferencing: Skills Training - MANCHESTER

This is a past event
HOLIDAY INN MANCHESTER CENTRAL PARK, 888 Oldham Rd, Manchester, Lancs, M40 2BS
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 3-Day Restorative Practices and Facilitating Conferences: Skills Training

This training course, presented by world leader in the field - IIRP, prepares participants to facilitate Restorative Practices and Restorative Justice Conferences to a high skill level.

IIRP professional development imparts practical knowledge and skills you can use immediately in your personal and professional life - whether you are involved in education, criminal justice, social services, counselling, leadership, the pastoral field, volunteer or other work. The skills you learn in these four days will strengthen your ability to help others handle their own issues and achieve their own goals.

Supported by extensive research, restorative practices has demonstrated positive outcomes in a wide variety of settings. We’ve consistently seen better behaviour and decreased bullying and violence in schools, improved workplace morale, reduced recidivism in juvenile and criminal justice and enhanced family engagement in social services.

Course Overview

This course prepares participants to run restorative justice conferences and to use restorative practices in their everyday roles.


·        brings together all those affected by conflict

·        allows participants to come to a shared understanding

·        provides a safe environment for the expression of emotion

·        provides opportunities to rebuild damaged relationships

·        rebuilds relationships and strengthens communities

·        processes can be used proactively or reactively

·        can be used within existing systems

·        can go on to participate in a one-day "Advanced" training

·        pursue personal accreditation


·        continuum of practice

·        concentrates upon restorative conferences with cases involving accepted responsibility

·        introduces conferences involving unacknowledged harm and/or unaccepted responsibility

·        using the restorative conferencing script

·        preparation of participants

·        practical relevant role-play opportunities

·        the role of the facilitator

Agenda & Materials

·        group exercises to practice facilitating conferences

·        feedback from experienced restorative facilitators

·        exercises to look at dealing with acknowledged harm

·        instructional videos and discussion

·        instructional books:

·        Restorative Justice Conferencing - combines:

Real Justice (restorative conference case studies)

                                               Conferencing Handbook (the restorative conference training manual)

·        Student Course Workbook

·        accreditation opportunities 

Each day runs 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. (Registration 8:30 - 9:00 a.m.)

 Click Here to download the event flyer

PLEASE NOTE: All courses are subject to achieving minimum numbers. You will be notified of cancellations at least 28 days prior to the course start date.

IIRP Europe are affiliates of:

 Participation in this event followed by attendance on a further 1-Day ‘Effective Use of Circles’ workshop can be applied toward the IIRP graduate course RP 500 Basic Restorative Practices. Course requirements include an additional 12 hours of online coursework after completion of all four days. Email , Skype: IIRPGraduateSchool or call the Registrar at 001-610-807-9221 (please note that this is an international call to the USA) 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. weekdays U.S. Eastern Time Zone about applying this event toward graduate credit.