Linkedin: Optimising Your Profile and Building A Network - Bristol

THE BRISTOL HOTEL, Prince Street, Bristol, , BS1 4QF
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Linkedin is the world’s largest professional network with over 15m UK professionals registered as members. If you know how to navigate Linkedin correctly you can efficiently recruit for some of your most hard to find positions for little or no cost.

This workshop will be aimed at in-house recruiters & HR professionals who are not active recruiters on Linkedin but are keen to get started. A free wifi connection will be provided therefore you may want to bring a laptop or tablet device to interact at the session or if you simply want to keep in touch with the office that's fine too.

Part 1 – Setting up your profile
You will be shown how to develop a profile that creates the right first impression and encourages viewers to find out more about you perhaps even more and importantly, your organisation.

Part 2 – Building your network
With a professional looking profile in place you will now want to know how to build your network of connections.

Each delegate will receive a work book to take away and there is support after the event provided through our Linkedin Training Attendees group and our Training Team.

Refreshments are included.

Once registered please add to your safe senders list because we have had a number of reports of people not receiving the reminder emails.

If for any reason you are unable to attend please let us know by emailing as soon as possible.

This workshop is for in-house recruiters and HR professionals from organisations based within the UK. This includes employees of not-for-profit and public sector organisations.


You are required to provide a valid work email address in order to attend. Your order will be cancelled without this. If you are unable to provide one but feel you should still be able to attend please email with details. Unfortunately this course is not available to recruitment agency staff.

Adrian McDonagh founded EasyWeb Recruitment in 2005. EasyWeb Recruitment manage over 3,000 online recruitment campaigns per year for the likes of Tesco, Next, Macmillan, RICS & The Scouts Association. Every year since 2009 Adrian has trained over 1,000 delegates at both face to face workshops and online webinars all of which are run for free.

Click here to view Adrian's Linkedin Profile


EasyWeb Recruitment has been at the forefront of online recruitment since 2005. We are one of the leading flat-fee agencies and provide recruitment technology, free training and end-to-end solutions as well as our popular recruitment campaigns.


It's simple. A lot of our current clients first attended one of our free recruitment workshops or webinars. Of course there is no obligation when attending our events, however we do allow about 5 minutes in our webinars to tell you about us and what we do before we get down to the training.


If you haven't already signed up for our Video Training Centre you can do so here. We have a range of our recorded webinars and some hints and tips to help you in your recruitment journey. You will receive access to this after attending a workshop or webinar.


Your training team are here to guide you through the process of signing up and attending our events and can offer after support too.




Lauren Hayward

Events & Marketing Executive

Tuesday McCarthy

Training Team Leader

Tosh Jiven

Customer Experience Consultant


Terms & Conditions: This session is exclusively for in-house recruiters and HR professionals at UK based organisations including not for profit organisations. Please do not book on if you are from a recruitment agency. Places on our workshops are limited and due to demand we can only allow a maximum of two people per organisation. If you require a training session for more than two delegates please enquire about an in-house session. If you book onto this event and you do not meet the criteria your booking will be cancelled. If you have any queries as to whether you would be eligible we would advise you to email us at

We require (where possible) 48 hours notice for cancellations. Please contact us as soon as possible so that we may offer your place to another delegate. We often have a waiting list for these events and it is disappointing when people simply do not show up when another person could have taken their place. If you find you can no longer attend you may send another person within your organisation in your place as long as we are informed before hand. The substitute delegate must also be part of the HR function, as this is what the workshop is aimed at.

In very rare circumstances the event may be cancelled, postponed or the venue changed. We will endeavour to contact you by telephone and email, it is therefore imperative that you provide the correct information. Failure to provide all the details we require on the registration form may result in your booking being cancelled.

Data Protection Act (1998)

Please note the personal information provided by you will be held on a database by Easy Web Recruitment in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. We will not disclose personal data that you have provided to any third party and the information you supply to us will only be used by Easy Web Recruitment to contact you regarding training/events or our other services.


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