Digital Skills Series: Mobile Marketing Masterclass ATTEND
Digital Skills Series: Mobile Marketing Masterclass
Wednesday 28 May, 9:30 AM 2014 to 5:00 PM 2014
345 W 35th St, New York, NY, 10001 (View Map)
With mobile ad spending set to hit $18 Billion this year and grow to $42 Billion by 2017,  it’s obvious that American consumers have embraced mobile. It’s imperative that you have a strong and clear mobile strategy that fits into your overall marketing mix.

This one day session will teach you how to create a clear mobile strategy that integrates into your existing work. Learn the benefits of different approaches as the key to unlocking opportunities for your clients, and find out how to build revenue opportunities for your client and for your agency.

Who is it for?

This webinar is ideal for planners, creatives, and account management teams tasked with creating mobile strategies for clients.

Learning outcome

Attendees will learn tips and frameworks for developing Mobile strategy. We will particularly focus on  how to link to your client’s business goals and how to integrate with existing advertising work, as well as approaches on how to grow client spend.

What will you learn:
  • Marketing to mobile devices in order to drive response, sales, relationships and engagement
  • Where mobile devices fit in the new customer journey so you can better map activity to ROI
  • Strengthen client relationships by identifying the technology backbone required to deliver plans
  • Frameworks to help put structure around strategy
  • User experience considerations that can add clarity to creative goals
  • The latest consumer trends in teh mobile space, from smartphones to tablets
  • Set the strategic foundation today as you map for the future.
TRYP By Wyndham Times Square South
345 W 35th St, New York, NY, 10001 (View Map)

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