Roman Pichler's Agile Product Strategy and Roadmap Training, London, January 2015
Friday 23 January, 9:00 AM 2015 to 5:00 PM 2015
15 Hatfields, London, London, SE1 8DJ (View Map)

This Agile Product Strategy and Roadmap training course teaches product managers and product owners to envision their product, to create an effective agile product strategy, to develop the right business model, and to build a compelling agile product roadmap.

The course is ideal for product owners who want to learn more about the strategic aspects of their work, and for product managers who would like to understand how a product strategy, a product roadmap, and a business model are best created in an agile or lean environment. The practices taught work with Scrum, Lean Startup, Business Model Generation, and Kanban.

"Roman's course was the most valuable professional training I have participated in for quite a while. Very insightful, practical, thought provoking, and relevant to becoming an effective product owner," says Wolfgang Hilpert, Senior VP and Head of Product Management at SAP AG.

If you would like to have this course delivered onsite or as a webinar, then please contact us.


Product Planning Overview

  • Agile vs. traditional product planning
  • Agile product planning levels and product planning tools
  • Strategic product planning and the role of the product manager/owner

Vision and Agile Product Strategy

  • Capturing the vision, and formulating the product strategy with the Vision Board
  • Collaborative visioning workshops to create the vision and product stratgey
  • Techniques to validate and detail the strategy
  • Pivot and persevere with the Vision Board: Failing early to success fast
  • Identifying the right metrics and product KPIs

Business Model

  • Business model vs. business plan and business case
  • Beyond the product: Working with the Business Model Canvas
  • The relationship between product strategy and business model

Agile Product Roadmapping

  • An agile, goal-oriented roadmap: the GO product roadmap
  • Creating and updating the roadmap: Pivot vs. persevere
  • Porduct roadmap ownership
  • Portfolio roadmaps to align several products
  • Creating a steady innovation cadence

Audience Product managers, product owners, UX designers, product marketers, entrepreneurs, creative directors, business analysts, and decision makers.

Prerequisites The participants should have a working knowledge of product management and an agile method such as Scrum or Kanban. If you are new to agile, you will find Roman's Certified Scrum Product Owner course and his book Agile Product Management with Scrum helpful to prepare for the course.

15 Hatfields, London, London, SE1 8DJ (View Map)
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