Objective Capital's Global Resources Investment Conference 2014
Tuesday 23 September, 9:00 AM 2014 to 7:00 PM 2014
Shaftesbury P, London, London, EC2Y 8AA (View Map)
Objective Capital's Global Resources Investment Forum
Our annual Investment Conference on the global resources sector offers an unparrallelled opportunity for investors and industry participants to follow the current trends in the sector, identify emerging investment opportunities, identify business opportunities and network with leading opinion formers.
The Investment Conference offers delegates:
An exciting programme of speakers
Our programme consists of leading speakers from the industry, investors in the sector, and senior executives developing projects. Hear current trends in the industry and investible opportunities from across the world.
Networking with London's key opinion formers
Senior representatives from London's major brokers and banks attend our events as well as analysts and advisors from a wide range of London's investment community. Discuss over a relaxed coffee or glass of wine what they see as the future of the sector.
Opportunity to build personal investor
Speak first hand with fellow investors and industry participants and hear their concerns and where they see the opportunities.
Business opportunities
Meet and network with those creating the business opportunities in the sector. Be the first to know what new opportunities may be just around the corner.
Insight into current best practice
Hear from speakers and other delegates what are the successful strategies for taking projects forward, raising funds and corporate governance.

What happened at previous Global Resources Conferences




For the latest information on this year's speakers visit:

Ironmongers' Hall
Shaftesbury P, London, London, EC2Y 8AA (View Map)
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