Speak-Up! - How To Handle Spotlight Moments
Wednesday 23 July, 7:30 PM 2014 to 9:00 PM 2014
Studio 3, London, Greater London, NW8 8EH (View Map)
It's your turn to speak...but your mouth goes dry, your heartbeat quickens, you lose your words...sound familiar?
Speak-Up! is a meetup group created by ideation network, that will focus on building your presentation skills, and allow you to put your ideas across to your audience more confidently.
It will be led by presentation consultant, Michael Westland-Rose, who helps organisations & individuals handle 'spotlight' situations & deliver their best performance. Michael is the founder and MD of Presentation Partners Training (http://www.presentation-partners.co.uk/), and has had over 20 years experience delivering bespoke training to an international client list.
Who is this session for?
- Business professionals, who are exposed to 'spotlight' situations
- Individuals with low self-confidence
- Students/ Academics
- Start-ups pitching ideas
- Speakers, or aspiring speakers
What Will The Session Entail?
- Memory Assessment: Practice and teaching session where you will learn how much information people actually take in when on the receiving end of information during a presentation
- Raising Self Confidence: Practice and teaching session where you will learn how to raise your own self confidence and discover what personal strengths you have that will help you present confidently
- Presentation Structure: How to go about planning and structuring a professional presentation - either a practice or a planning session depending on time and numbers attending.
What Do I Need To Bring?
Participants will not need to bring anything for this initial session. However, food or drink will not be provided.
What To Look Forward To In Future Sessions:
This is the second session we are running. For our final session of this 3-part course, 'Speak-Up! - Theatre Spotlight' - participants will have a chance to be filmed. The film will be used for positive review only and will be scrapped straight afterwards. Copies can not be supplied and it won't go on YouTube!! Details are as follows:
Speak-Up! - Theatre Spotlight
Date: Saturday 4th October
Time: 1pm - 4pm
Location: The Albany, Red Room, Douglas Way, Deptford, London, SE8 4AG

For More Information Please Email: stephanie@ideationnetwork.com
The Cockpit Theatre
Studio 3, London, Greater London, NW8 8EH (View Map)
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