Entrepreneurship Research: Interactive Experiments
Thursday 17 July, 12:00 PM 2014 to 7:00 PM 2014
78/79 Pappelallee, Berlin, , 10437 (View Map)

The Institute of Entrepreneurial Studies and
Innovation Management of Humboldt University zu
Berlin conducts scientific research on
entrepreneurial decision-making. This will be
presented. Moreover, you will have the possibility to
participate in interactive experiments as part of this
research. In one experiment, you are actually
playing with some counterparty for small amounts of
money. In another experiment, emotional reactions
to video films will be measured.

6-8 per experimental session (which take place repeatedly throughout the day).

mobilesuite Coworking Berlin
78/79 Pappelallee, Berlin, , 10437 (View Map)
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