Friday lunchtime lecture: Open data - the new emergent public good of our time?
Friday 25 July, 1:00 PM 2014 to 1:50 PM 2014
65 Clifton St, London, , EC2A 4JE (View Map)

Friday lunchtime lectures at the Open Data Institute.

You bring your lunch, we provide tea & coffee, an interesting talk, and enough time to get back to your desk.  

For our 25 July lecture... Open data - the new emergent public good of our time?

People tend to think of ‘public goods’ as things like suburban roads that must be built by governments because if governments don’t provide them, then no-one will. But this is an impoverished definition of public goods. In fact, private and public goods operate in an ecology, each reinforcing the other, and they do so in every social organisation we have – within families, suburban football clubs, firms.

We will explore these ideas and then focus on three ideas.

  • PPPs 2.0: Public private data partnerships in delivering the new public goods of the internet age and
  • Rebuilding the social capital which are the foundations for a healthy society and economy
  • Open data as the new emergent public good of our time

Nicholas Gruen is a prominent Australian economist and commentator on Web 2.0 and the CEO of Lateral Economics and Chairman of Peach Financial, the Australian Centre for Social Innovation and Online Opinion.

Twitter: #odifridays

Open Data Institute
65 Clifton St, London, , EC2A 4JE (View Map)
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