Advanced Axure prototyping for mobile (19 September)
Friday 19 September, 9:30 AM 2014 to 5:00 PM 2014
154–158 Shoreditch High Street, London, , E1 6HU (View Map)

A picture says more than a 1000 words and when designing for mobile a prototype says more than all annotated wireframes combined.

It’s always better to see a mobile design in action than having to read about how it should work. Luckily UX designers these days have a myriad of tools at their fingertips to bring their designs to life without having to write a single line of code.

In this workshop we’ll be using Axure RP, which has quickly become the de-facto gold standard tool for interactive prototypes in the UX community.

In order for us to get the most of the workshop you should have used the tool for wireframes showing user journeys though with little interactivity. This way we can focus more on the interactive elements that take a basic interactive wireframe to a fully fledged high fidelity mobile prototype.

We’ll keep the slides to a minimum and get you to have a crack at a simple sample app that we’ll build together during the course.

154–158 Shoreditch High Street, London, , E1 6HU (View Map)
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