Food as Medicine
Thursday 3 July, 7:00 PM 2014 to 8:30 PM 2014
1 More London Place, London, , SE1 2AF (View Map)

                    Food as Medicine


Ayurveda Workshop

By Ariadna Landman

Ayurvedic medicine practitioner

Food eaten with awareness of one's needs, at the right time, season and place promotes energy, radiant complexion, abundant health, strength and a long life” - Caraka Samhita.

Everyone eats, but not everyone eats healthily or knows what eating healthy really means. Food is the first pillar of health, Ayurveda explains, but it's important to understand how to employ it so it's the source of well-being and not the source of illness.

In this workshop we will explore the food realm, as explained in the classical texts of Ayurveda, and how to employ food to create health and heal from disease. You will learn key dietary principles, therapeutic uses of spices, and ideal foods for each body type.


Time: Thursday 3 July 2014 - 7pm

Session length: 1 hour 30 minutes

Place: ‘EY' 1 More London Place, London. SE1 2AF

Nearest Tube: London Bridge

Speaker: Ariadna Landman



1 More London Place, London, , SE1 2AF (View Map)
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