Growth Hacking Workshop
Thursday 17 July, 10:00 AM 2014 to 12:30 PM 2014
69 Wilson St, London, , EC2A 2BB (View Map)

Come and Join to Growth Hacking Workshop by Liam Reynolds


Talk  outline

1) Introduction to Growth Hacking -what is it, why it exists, why its important
2) Case studies - looking at some famous growth hacks
3) Practical examples of Growth Hacking - what makes them special and why they work
4) How to take a growth hacking approach to any business
- Data & analytics
- User feedback loops
- Tools
- Speedy testing & evolving
Speaker - BIO

Liam Reynolds is the founder of True Up, the UK's first Growth Hacking agency. He currently works across both tech startups and enterprise digital businesses helping them grow and scale. Previously Liam spent his career in data, working with marketing and communications agencies including DunnHumby, The Engine Group and Omnicom. He’s very much interested in the space where people, data and technology collide and teaches Growth Hacking at the London General Assembly.

69 Wilson St, London, , EC2A 2BB (View Map)
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