Android Operating System
Android Architecture
Android Application Components
- Activities
- Services
- Broadcast Receivers
- Content Providers
- Fragments
Explicit and Implicit Intents
UI Design and Development
- Views
- Layout Managers
Event Handling
Notification Status Bar and Toast
Audio and Video
App Navigation
App Testing on
- Simulator
- Device
App Submission Process and Overview
All of our programming courses are taught with a hands-on approach, using a range of practical exercises to teach and enthuse our students. We teach students to develop apps from scratch, providing them with the knowledge and experiences to build upon afterwards.
Students will receive a printed binder containing all of the course materials and in-depth step by step instructions.
This course runs over 3 days from 10am to 5pm.
Class Size
The class size is limited to 6 students.
Students must have either attended the “Introduction to Object Oriented Programming and Java” courses, or have prior experience in an object-orientated programming language.
Students are required to bring their own laptop.