How To Publish A Book In Under 30 Days And Profit NOW! ***Instant Access***
Wednesday 18 June, 7:00 PM 2014 to 10:00 PM 2014
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You want your book done, but…

You’re just too darn busy to actually sit down and put in the time writing your book.
You don’t really like to write.
You feel as though you’re not a great writer.

IN THE 4 Ways Becoming A Published Author Can TRIPLE Your Profit WEBINAR LEARN:

What You’re Losing Out On Because You Haven’t Finished Your Book

(1) Instant Credibility in the Eyes of Those Who Are Considering Your Busines/Product/Service.
(2) Instant Exposure as Your Book Will Serve as a “Brochure” That Markets You Forever.
(3) Instant Fame and Publicity as Your Book Can Bring You Television, Radio, Newspaper and Magazine Interviews.
(4) Instant Income Bringing You Thousands of Dollars as Hundreds of People Line Up to Buy Your Book.


Register for this Webinar and receive the PDF: "How To Publish A Book In Less Than 30 Days Without Typing A Single Word" FOR FREE!!!

A Fast and Easy Way For YOU to Painlessly Get Your OWN Book Written Without Actually Having to Sweat and Struggle Sitting at the Keyboard Typing for Weeks, Months or Years!


71 Ways to Promote and Market Your Book 
41 Tips From Published Authors 
21 point self-publishing checklist
12 Tips to Help You Record Narration Like the Pros
9 Tips on How to Write an Outline 
Hiring Freelance Transcribers: 8 Things You Need To Know 
7 Tips on How to Edit a Manuscript 
9 Tips To Make Your Self-Published Book Look Professional
8 Advantages to Writing a Book as an Entrepreneur 
9 Ways Your Business Savvy Helps You Market Your Self-Published Book 


WEBINAR+Ebook+Free Gifts


Can you save people money? Save them time? Make them rich? Tell them an amazing story? Make them laugh? Teach them something new? Get them arguing about a controversial topic? ENRICH THEIR LIVES?

If so, you can tap into the ever flowing fountain of profit available from your very own passion.

It's a win-win situation. You give people a solution to a problem they have and they reward you for your service.

If this concept doesn't make sense to you, look no further than your own life.

When you are hungry you go to a restaurant or a grocery store and gladly hand over your hard earned cash for a solution to your problem.

When you need clothes, gas in your car, medical attention, or if it's been a very hard day and you simply need a drink. You seek out whatever and whomever can solve this problem for you. And you don't think twice about compensating them for their service. 

If you're reading this then you, yourself also have a solution to someone's problem. By whatever vehicle you've chosen to present this solution, you feel compelled to reach as many people as possible. By you reading this far, I'm convinced that your event, product, service, coaching program, cause, charity, non-profit, seminar, newsletter, website, campaign etc, has the ability to change the world.

Stop wasting time and losing out on extra product sales by not having your book done…

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