London Android LiveCode #11 on Nokia X @ Badoo
Wednesday 18 June, 6:00 PM 2014 to 10:30 PM 2014
Medius House, London, , W1F 8BH (View Map)

This June 18, Wednesday, we will have a ever so special meet up waiting for you guys. We have the pleasure to meet up at the amazing Badoo headquarters where Microsoft is sending us an special guest speaker to speak on as you pretty much guessed it ... Android Development!!!!

Deep dive into the Nokia X platform by Riaz Ahmed, Developer Outreach Manager @ Nokia. 

I'll start with a quick intro of the Nokia X platform (SDK, APIs, Devices) then I'll go through the current status of the market and the existing monetization opportunity. Finally, I'll showcase some interesting apps that has been ported the day before during the Nokia X porting evening.  

We'll meet at 6PM at :

Medius House, 2 Sheraton Street, W1F 8BH, London


Come swing by and say hello, grab a drink, chat with some friends and be ready cause this is definitely something you do NOT want to miss!

A big thank you to Badoo and Microsoft for the support, housing us and the drinks and pizza xP!!

This is tight event so we'll only have space for 70 lucky individuals, so first come first serve, RSVP!!!!! 

As always, if you have any questions, never hesitate to ask and if after anyone wants to grab a beer at a nearby pub, let me know.

Badoo's offices
Medius House, London, , W1F 8BH (View Map)
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