Day 3: Celebration of Woman - San Luis Obispo, CA
Saturday 4 October, 12:00 AM 2014 to Sunday 5 October, 2:00 PM 2014
, Los Angeles, CA, Online (View Map)

Price Breakdown:

Our workshop cost is $695

Food and accomodation is $300

We offer a early sign up discount:

3 months early: $200 off

2 months early: $100 off

Celebration of Woman is

Raw, Real and It Will Rock Your Soul! 

Are you ready to embrace the power of your beauty, radiance and innate wisdom?

In the Celebration of Woman Workshop you will:

• Fall deeply in love with your feminine beauty
• Claim your natural power to heal and be healed
• Rest in your innate feminine power, confidence and radiance
• Step into your authentic feminine leadership at this time on earth

When you connect to the part of you that is and always has been whole and complete, there is nothing that can hold you back. It is your deepest feminine essence, regardless of what has happened to you, or what you have chosen to believe about yourself.

“A Celebration of Woman" is an invitation into the full potential of being a woman. It will transform your relationship to yourself and to the world.

Through the safety and sacredness of being in sisterhood, you can relax deeply into your true nature. You will recognize the preciousness of your own being and the beauty and power that lies at the heart of every woman. This three and a half day intensive is a powerful Initiation for all women into their true self.


Some of the issues you can expect to heal in this workshop are:

• Releasing the cloak of shame and unworthiness, which has kept you small and limited
• Releasing old feelings of pain and anger that keep you stuck in the past
• Releasing painful judgment and condemnation of your body
• Releasing your fears of intimacy with yourself, other women and men

Some of the benefits you can expect to gain in this workshop are:

• Finding a deep love and acceptance for yourself and others
• Having the courage to speak your truth, and own your worth
• Experiencing joy and celebrating your sensual self
• Living a fully embodied life with passion, power and Grace


Questions or comments:

Call 415-226-6460      



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What participants have to say about the Celebration of Woman Workshop:
"Not to sound arrogant, but I'm a pretty confident woman and knew I would enjoy the workshop, yet I had no idea I would be absolutely  transformed and opened up to my true power, my true authentic nature, be healed and washed clean of limiting emotions and behaviors.  I am in awe and wonder of what magic and light unfold when in the presence of these two extraordinary, fierce, tender and loving women. I will never be the same and I am forever grateful!"
- Alana P., Pasadena , CA
"It has been a mind blowing experience! The workshop enabled me to see and embrace all parts of myself. I have also for the first time in many years felt special and truly like a woman. I feel stronger and also softer as a person. I would highly recommend this to every woman."- DW. London, England

"The workshop is about coming home to who a woman truly is. This is the most gentle yet intense invitation I've ever received. I was not babied yet I was held. My inherent strength was invited forth. Every fear was addressed no where to hide, no stone left unturned, no woman left behind and yet each honored completely in her process and divine timing. I have been afraid every day until today. Thank You!"
~Alana, Los Angeles, CA

"I came seeking some new direction and left with a whole route to my own personal happiness." ~Anonymous 


Dancing Dear
, Los Angeles, CA, Online (View Map)
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