Hosted by Tony Langford and presented by Jeffrey Tang, Product Marketing Manager of Axon Conventional Electrophysiology, Molecular Devices, LLC
Please join us for an workshop on how to get the most from your Axon pCLAMP Software.
08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:45 Clampex tutorial I: A Walkthrough of Protocol Editor
09:45-10:00 Break
10:00-10:45 Clampex tutorial II: Customize Protocol Setup using Sequencing Key, Stimulus File, User List, Membrane Test between Sweeps
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-11:45 Clampex tutorial III: Advanced protocols writing for Pair-pulse, Train pulses, Spike-timing, LTP/LTD, LTP Assistant
11:45-13:15 Lunch
13:15-14:00 Clampfit tutorial I: Key Features Review-Transfer Traces, Data Display, Filter, Power Spectrum, Statistics, Average trace, Arithmetic, Baseline Adjustment
14:00-14:15 Break
14:15-15:00 Clampfit tutorial II: Action Potential Analysis by Threshold Search-Event search, Event sorting, Phase plot, Rastor plot
15:00-15:15 Break
15:15-16:00 Clampfit tutorial III: Analysis of Synaptic Events by Template Search-Create template, Template search
16:00-16:30 Q&A; Session