How to use Twitter effectively: A one-day seminar
Saturday 19 July, 10:00 AM 2014 to 5:00 PM 2014
Kings Place, London, , N1 9GU (View Map)

Learn how to promote your brand or business at this comprehensive course with David Schneider and David Levin

When you only have 140 characters to express yourself, you have to make every one count. Learn how to construct effective tweets with impact and personality at this entertaining one-day course with comedian David Schneider (The Day Today, I'm Alan Partridge) and David Levin (the Twitter expert behind high-profile accounts including @BBCTheVoiceUK and @BBCApprentice), co-founders of That Lot social media agency.

Whatever your level of experience, this comprehensive course will add impact to your Twitter presence, helping you with everything from setting up a winning homepage to creating and sharing Vine videos. The course also features social strategy tips, from making hashtags work for you to using analytic tools to keep track of what you're doing, all based on the work Schneider and Levin have done for brands and from their own accounts. You will also receive advice on advanced Twitter formats such as live-tweeting, and guidance on how to get the most out of Vine. Whatever your reason for being on Twitter, you'll learn new ways to connect with your audience, develop original formats and win followers.

This course is for you if…
  • You want to build your brand or expand your business through social media
  • You tweet as part of your job – for instance, in PR or marketing – and want to make your tweets and Twitter strategy more effective
  • You're keen to find ways to make your personal Twitter account more interesting, entertaining or popular
Course description

This one-day course covers creative and strategic techniques and tools for writing memorable, topical tweets and getting them noticed by a wider audience. It includes tuition in using apps including Tweetdeck and Vine to create a more ambitious social media profile. Topics covered on the day include:

  • Your Twitter homepage – overview of what works
  • Tone of voice – the essential Twitter tool
  • How to tweet – the mechanics of good tweets, retweets and replies
  • Writing the perfect tweet – tweeting with impact, humour, personality
  • Boosting your popularity – working the hashtags, getting trending, virals
  • What not to tweet and the dangers of Twitter
  • Advanced Twitter formats: live-tweeting, quizzes, working the hashtags, getting trending, virals
  • Improve your social strategy – using Tweetdeck and analytic tools
  • Vine – how to use these increasingly influential six-second videos to market your brand or business
Tutor profiles

David Schneider is best known for his collaborations with the likes of Armando Iannucci and Steve Coogan. Schneider is an actor, writer, director and Twitter obsessive with over 170,000 followers. Find him on Twitter @davidschneider.

David Levin is a professional tweeter responsible for accounts such as @BBCTheVoiceUK, @BBCApprentice as well as numerous brand and company accounts. Together with David Schneider, he now runs That Lot, a company dedicated to helping brands and businesses use social media with impact, humour and personality. Find him on Twitter @davidlevin123.

Full course and returns information on the Masterclasses website

The Guardian
Kings Place, London, , N1 9GU (View Map)
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