Build your business with content marketing
Monday 15 September, 6:30 PM 2014 to 9:30 PM 2014
Kings Place, London, , N1 9GU (View Map)

Learn to create truly persuasive marketing content that will leave your customers wanting more

In the digital age, customers don't care what you're selling – they're more interested in what you're giving way. Providing your target audience with relevant, high quality online content is a proven means to increase their trust in your brand, and convert goodwill into increased sales. And if your content is good enough to share, your customers will spread the word.

But for small business owners without media or marketing experience, creating and writing a newsletter or email campaign can be a daunting – and time-consuming – challenge. This accessible evening course will help you find your voice and your strongest possible position within the market. Led by content marketing specialist John W. Hayes, author of Becoming The Expert, this event explains, in plain English, how to create, produce and share effective marketing content. No matter what business you're in, you'll learn simple and productive methods to communicate directly with your customers in order to build your reputation, generate new leads and, ultimately, increase your profits.

This course is for you if…
  • You run a small- to medium-sized business and are looking for cost-effective marketing techniques
  • You want to improve the digital profile and reputation of your business without paying for external consultants
  • You want to better understand the content and digital marketing landscapes
Course description

Through a series of presentations and discussions, this evening event introduces simple ways for businesses to generate, share and track the effectiveness of original marketing content, and to plan a content marketing strategy. Topics covered on the evening include:

  • How to find the inspiration to create and publish compelling content that potential clients and existing customers can't ignore
  • How to improve your rankings on the major search engines
  • How to generate leads, maintain relationships and sell more via email
  • How to secure local, national and global media coverage with well-placed PR campaigns
  • How to engage your prospects with social media
  • How to reduce their reliance on high-cost traditional paid advertising
  • How to shorten the sales cycle and reduce the need for cold-calling
  • How to connect the dots to build a cohesive content marketing strategy
Tutor profile

John W. Hayes is a journalist, blogger, and author of Becoming the Expert: Enhancing Your Business Reputation through Thought Leadership Marketing. He has worked alongside companies including Amazon, eBay and Google and is the author of numerous white papers and editorials across a wide range of trade and mainstream publications, and is recognised as an influential thought leader in the online marketing arena.

Full course and returns information on the Masterclasses website

The Guardian
Kings Place, London, , N1 9GU (View Map)
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