Day 1: Binary Options Sales Training (Supercharged) London, July 12 & 13
Saturday 12 July, 9:00 AM 2014 to 11:45 PM 2014
, London, , Online (View Map)

For the past couple of years Binary Options online trading has taken the world by storm.

In 2011 there were only a handful of companies offering Binary Options trading. Now there are over 400 and the number increases on a monthly basis.

A majority of the companies operate from Cyprus and Malta. However for the last few months many companies have decided to set up shop here in London in order to get brand name recognition and more importantly to attract top sales professionals who reside in London. Yes these companies are looking for Top Brokers.

Top Binary Options Brokers working in London make between 7K to 15K per month. Commissions in this sector are HUGE!!!!

How do you become a Top Binary Options Broker in London? OptionsCareers will help uncover all you need to know to get started.

Binary Options Sales Training (Supercharged)

The 2 Day Event will teach you all the basics such as:

  • What Are Binary Options & How Are They Traded
  • How Companies and Brokers Make Money (The Win Win Formula)
  • How To Sell, Up Sell And Keep Clients
  • How To Be Confident & Outperform Other Brokers
  • How To Close Cold & Hot Leads
  • How To Network & Generate Your Own Leads
  • And Much More………………

REGISTER NOW: Don’t miss out on a new, exciting and profitable career.

, London, , Online (View Map)
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