Public Relations and Trust
Thursday 26 June, 8:30 AM 2014 to 2:00 PM 2014
Fourth Floor, London, , E1 6BX (View Map)

Date: Thursday, 26th June 2014 

Cost: Tickets are £165 + VAT

Venue: Ketchum Pleon, Central London


For the full speaker program, please scoll down beneath the form below.

If you have problems booking this conference, or require further information please call on 01962 832542 or email bensmith@prmoment.com. Our offices are open 9am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday. Please note we can also take credit card bookings on our booking hotline number 01962 832542.

Location: Ketchum Pleon, 35-41 Folgate Street, E1 6BX London, United Kingdom

8.30am Registration, coffee, croissants and informal networking  
9.00am Chairperson, Ben Smith
Founder, PRmoment

What does trust mean to consumers?
Steven Heywood, Senior Press Officer, eBay

  • Do your mum and dad know the difference between paid and earned media? And do they trust one more than the other?
  • Are trust scores credible? Do they match our understanding of human behaviour?
  • How does a brand build a trust bank with consumers?
  • What types of business behaviour increase trust?
9.30am Speaker to be confirmed



The public’s perception: How do brands recover from a crisis?
Ted Marzilli, CEO, BrandIndex, YouGov

  • How reliable reputation tracking can enable better board room understanding of trust
  • What are the factors that affect how severely a brand is impacted from a crisis?
  • How quickly can a consumer’s perception of brands recover from a crisis?
  • Why consumers trust of a brand is very personal and will depend on how the crisis affects them

Informal networking break


Our Society and Technology have changed but the Concept of Public Relations remains the same
Andy Smith, Head of Media Relations & Employee Communications, Santander

  • How a lack of trust in financial institutions has meant banks have had to change how they communicate
  • Why the communication strategy of banks now concentrates on customers
  • This change of behaviour of banks is not altruistic – it is driven by retaining market share and profit
  • Why any communications strategy must be backed up by genuine behaviour change

Data Privacy and Trust
Guy Middleton, Head of Corporate Communications, Three

  • How data privacy has become a critical issue for mobile phone providers
  • How Three have changed their behaviour to become a more trusted brand
  • The impact of trust on customer retention in mobile
  • Why data privacy has become vital to mobile phone providers


Speaker to be confirmed


Speaker to be confirmed



The importance of integrity in public relations
Will Spiers, Global Public Relations Director, GE Healthcare

  • How trust gives an organisation a licence to do business
  • How integrity is engrained into the culture of GE
  • The role of the public relation function as a moral and ethical compass for businesses
  • The vital importance of trust in healthcare
  • The grey areas of trust: How public relations can protect a business
  • How integrity manifests itself in a business: training, standards, research, practice
1.15pm Chairperson's closing remarks
Ben Smith, Founder, PRmoment
1.30pm Lunch and informal networking
2.00pm Close of conference

Please note: Unlike many other PR conferences, none of our speakers pay for the privilege of speaking. They are all chosen by our editorial department because of their expert opinion. We do this because we believe that if delegates are paying to attend a conference, there is a conflict of interest if the speakers have paid to speak.

Also, just to reassure you, PRmoment does not share delegate details with any third parties.

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