Day 1: The Radical Visionary 3 Day Creative Leadership Intensive, San Francisco, June 26-28, 2014
Thursday 26 June, 9:00 AM 2014 to 11:45 PM 2014
SOMA, Address sent to registrants only, San Francisco, CA, Online (View Map)
"The Radical Visionary is a fantastic opportunity to learn creative leadership skills from the best. The vision, values, and alignment work Sarah and Radically Human did with our leadership team is absolutely foundational to the ongoing success of the UX organization.” 
Aaron Nather, VP Digital Media Group, DirecTV

For more information, visit www.radicalvisionary.com.

Creative Leaders Just Like You Face Enormous Daily Challenges...

Does this sound familiar? YOUR BOSS EXPECTS YOU TO:

  • create a powerful vision of the future of your product, service, or experience
  • know what is coming next
  • inspire your team everyday to make the vision a reality
  • resolve conflict and remove roadblocks
  • deliver all this under relentless crazy deadlines


  • throw out your vision
  • develop a new one
  • re-align the team

...on a moment’s notice. 

Brutal, right? That is a tremendous amount of pressure, because....

Your challenge (and what your boss may not understand) is this: your team operates where all conflicting organizational priorities collide! Your team is in the hot seat, almost all the time — and this puts them at a high risk for burnout and attrition.

As a Creative Leader, you MUST sustain a thriving creative culture that consistently produces high quality results. Your company NEEDS your team to be razor sharp, producing visionary ideas, radical beliefs, and strong opinions. Your company NEEDS passionate voices to remain competitive.

Another Roadblock...

Traditional Design education does not prepare us for this specific challenge. You have risen to your leadership role likely because people recognize that you are a brilliant designer. However, the skills that got you here won’t get you to the next phase of your career.

Colleague Empathy Building

You are responsible for getting the best work from your team.... on time, every time. So how do you do it?

These endless challenges are exactly why we at Radically Human created The Radical Visionary — to give emerging and established creative leaders just like you direct, hands-on experience with powerful vision creation, alignment building, and creative-specific skills for working with the emotional creatures (yourself included) that make up your team and organization.

We will show you a new way, a radically humanistic approach that will redefine your vision of leadership.

Think of The Radical Visionary as part training, part mastermind, and part creative renewal retreat. We want you to get the most out of the experience, so we are keeping the number of attendees low, the interaction high, the food healthy, and the atmosphere creative.

“Sarah demystifies the creative process and brings humanity to management and leadership. I learned to approach my team with a greater compassion, creativity, and a focus on the big picture.

More than that — thanks to Sarah I found myself more in love with what I do than ever, and have gone on to take bigger risks with much greater rewards.” 
Tricia Choi, Creative Director, Eventbrite


We’ll accelerate your creative leadership in three main areas: Human Management

Creative Collaboration

Learn specific tools and processes to strengthen the foundation of creative collaboration: Emotional, Social, and Relationship fluency. Help your team embrace collaboration, “play nice,” and do great work with others.

Conflict Dynamics & Resolution
Learn to resolve conflict quickly by assessing the problem and using the right tool. Stop managing symptoms. Remove roadblocks and create momentum instead.

Alignment Building
Build a healthy team focused on achieving quality results together. Learn to engage others throughout your organization, get them in agreement FAST, and then get them moving forward today!

Vision Development

A powerful vision is a compelling picture of the future for your company, product, or team — and is the difference between management and leadership. The real question is, what is your vision? We give you immersive accelerated experience in imagining, nurturing, articulating, & understanding your authentic vision.

Engaged Leadership - for a CHANGE

This is where it all comes together... where you learn to step up and into the new, transformed you... a Radical Visionary who IS the catalyst for team alignment - a new view, a renewed purpose, without chaos.

With a powerful visionary leader, chaos and conflict fall away. Your team understands who they are, why they exist, and where they are headed!
Imagine that, as a consequence of attending The Radical Visionary, you are now able to step into your vision, quickly eliminate conflict, create a powerful, exciting team space that accelerates creative solutions and consistently deliver innovation... ahead of schedule.
What will The Radical Visionary experience be like? 

Think of The Radical Visionary as part training, part workshop, part mastermind, and part creative renewal retreat. We are keeping the number of attendees low (no more than 30), the food healthy, and the atmosphere creative.

In some sessions you'll consult your peers on team challenges, or gut-check your alignment strategy. In other sessions, you'll tap into alternate intelligences — physical, emotional, social, relationship — to gain insights into your own leadership and into the experience of others in your organization.

And in still other sessions, you'll be listening to seasoned leaders share their insights and experience with you. And, all the while, you'll be developing an action plan to take what you learn and make a permanent transformation in your team's productivity, positivity, and creativity.

What topics will we cover?

Here's where it gets fun. We have so much to share with you that honestly, we are a bit worried that we'll throw too much at you. Don't worry, though. We take cognitive limits seriously and will make sure that you’ll get a ton of information, but you'll also have ample opportunities to process and make the information your own.

Some immersions include...

  • What powerful visions look like and how to get others excited about yours
  • Proactive leadership and acting with intention
  • Proposing change of any kind — and working with potential emotional fallout
  • How to evaluate your team's health, and do something about it
  • How to reveal inter- and intra- team relationships

And much much more.

Billy's Crib
SOMA, Address sent to registrants only, San Francisco, CA, Online (View Map)
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