Day 1: Certified Scrum Master worth 14 PDU’s! Become Certified! Only $945! New York, NY
Wednesday 3 September, 9:00 AM 2014 to 11:45 PM 2014
90 Broad St, New York, NY, 10004-2205 (View Map)

This is a two day Certified Scrum Master Course in which participants will learn the fundamentals of Scrum and will be prepared to take the online exam through the Scrum Alliance Website.

NOTE: Please Pay For the Ticket on Our Company Website:

For all our other CSM:

After taking the 2-day Certified ScrumMaster course, students are eligible to take the CSM Exam online through the Scrum Alliance website. It has 35 questions and no time limit in which to complete. Candidates may bookmark questions, change answers to questions, and even stop the exam, returning to it to complete the questions at a later time within the 90-day period. For more information, please visit the Scrum Alliance directly at:http:/

As a thank you in advance, please use my coupon code: DO_50 to get a $50 discount!

90 Broad St, New York, NY, 10004-2205 (View Map)
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