Day 1: Qualitative Research Software: Two Day NVivo Training Workshop - New York, New York
Wednesday 20 August, 9:00 AM 2014 to 11:45 PM 2014
535 W 114th St, New York, NY, 10027 (View Map)
How to register and pay for your Workshop

You can either pay online by clicking on the 'Register' button, or you can download a registration form and fax it to us.

About this Workshop

This training is for NVivo for Windows users (including those using NVivo on a Mac via Boot Camp or Parallels). NVivo for Mac training will be available from mid-2014.

Each day of this workshop will commence at 9am and conclude at 4pm.

Gain the knowledge and practice you need to begin your work with NVivo in our two-day Workshop. You are welcome to begin with just one day, and return for the second session after you’ve had some time to practice with your own projects.

Day One: NVivo Essentials

Day one of this hands-on workshop is a basic introduction to NVivo. The objective is to provide you with the fundamental information and practice you need to get started with your own project.

Using sample data, you’ll create a project in NVivo and will work with a range of material such as documents, PDFs, audio, video, pictures, spreadsheets and web data. We’ll also explore NVivo’s text analysis tools. Time is allocated during the afternoon session to practice with your own data.

Day Two: Further analysis in NVivo

On day two you are taken beyond the basics to asking questions of your data and your analysis, using categorical data like demographics, grouping tools, coding queries, and visualizations.

Using sample data, this workshop will teach you how to organize and explore your material, identify relationships, use diagrams to show patterns in your information and create reports. Time is allocated during the afternoon session to practice with your own data.

Please note: Workshop costs include morning and afternoon refreshments. Desktop computers are provided and you'll receive a comprehensive workbook.

Event title: Two Day Workshop: NVivo
Event type: Workshop
Event name: Two Day Workshop: NVivo
Region: Americas
State: NY
Related products: NVivo 8|NVivo 9|NVivo 10
Featured event: Yes
Venue Type: Classroom
Further info: N/a
Event listing start date: N/a
Event listing end date: N/a
Columbia University (Butler Library, Room 306)
535 W 114th St, New York, NY, 10027 (View Map)
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