Cardboard Basics in Adaptive Design (Day 1)
Tuesday 19 August, 9:30 AM 2014 to 3:30 PM 2014
313 West 36th Street, New York, NY, 10018 (View Map)

Day 1 of a 3-day series:

Ideal for Occupational and Physical Therapists, Teachers, and Parents

Earn 0.5 AOTA Continuing Education Units* or 6 NYPTA Contact Hours

Participants conduct a self-guided tour of customized equipment and view a film short outlining 2 case studies. Participants learn basic construction techniques for single-layer cardboard and safe hand tool use. Participants individually make a pen holder; then in small groups, design and build a mock-up seat insert with appropriate features such as laterals and footrests, providing justification for the adaptation.

Course includes a 1 hour lunch break. Bring your own or purchase from a variety of nearby locations.

Following completion of this 1-day course, participants will be able to:

  • State the importance of proactively identifying user-specific adaptive equipment needs.
  • List at least one potential adaptation from 3 of the categories, including:  Positioning (multiple options), Communication (expressive, receptive, formal, informal, etc.), ADL's (feeding, dressing, toileting, self-care), Mobility and Sensory Integration, Pre-vocations, Play and Recreation, Art and Music.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the properties, strength, and applications of single-layer cardboard by executing basic carpentry techniques and hand tool use appropriate for single-layer cardboard.
  • Increase capacity to write justifications for custom-made adaptive devices that include:
    • How the client is functioning without the device
    • Why that functional level is problematic--listing 2 or 3 consequences that negatively impact physical, social, academic, emotional or other developmental growth
    • Projections of benefits expected to prevent the 2 or 3 negative consequences listed above.
  • Identify at least 2 pieces of adaptive equipment that will benefit a client on the caseload.
  • Practice collaboration when working as a team member.
  • Please call 212/904-1200 for any additional information.

    Cardboard Basics in Adaptive Design is Day 1 of a 3-day series, Adaptive Devices Made to Fit, in which participants learn basic construction techniques for single-layer and tri-wall cardboard and safe hand and power tool use to make a basic adaptation and a user-specific adaptation with justification.

    After Day 1, in preparation for Day 2, participants select either a monitor stand, footrest, or easel to build for a client on their caseloads; gather user-specific information necessary for building the adaptation; and draft a brief justification.

    Day 2, Making Adaptive Equipment Work (Usually given on Wednesdays): Participants present and discuss justifications and adaptation information. Participants learn tri-wall carpentry techniques and safe power tool use. Participants build selected basic adaptation and submit a finalized justification for it.

    In preparation for Day 3, participants revise justifications or create new ones if selecting a different adaptation to build on Day 3, along with collecting new information.

    Day 3, Adaptive Devices: Made to Fit (Usually given on Thursdays): Participants share the basic user-specific adaptation selected, a brief description of case, and justification for selection. Participants construct the adaptation from start to finish and then present final work to the group.

    To register for Day 2 and Day 3, return to the ADA website or go to the Adaptive Design Events page on Eventbrite, after you complete your Day 1 registration.

    *The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.

    Adaptive Design Association
    313 West 36th Street, New York, NY, 10018 (View Map)
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