IROKO Storytelling INSET
Friday 3 October, 9:00 AM 2014 to 4:00 PM 2014
Hedley's Room, London, , E15 1BN (View Map)

The award-winning IROKO Theatre Company is running a one-day INSET exploring African storytelling performance techniques, verbal and non-verbal means of communication. Taking place at the pioneering Theatre Royal in the heart of Stratford, the INSET is ideal for teachers, people working with children and young people or anyone interested in oral storytelling. Outcomes include a National Open College Network (NOCN) Accredited Certificate on completion.

Benefits include:

  • Better understanding of African storytelling techniques. 
  • Enhanced skills, confidence and self-expression.
  • National Open College (NOCN) Accredited Certificate.

Click here for more information.
Theatre Royal Stratford East
Hedley's Room, London, , E15 1BN (View Map)
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