Alliance Best Practice VST User Group Workshop 10th July 2014
Thursday 10 July, 9:00 AM 2014 to 5:00 PM 2014
8 Salisbury Square, London, , EC4Y 8BB (View Map)

What is this workshop about?

This Alliance Best Practice workshop is offered to new and existing VST Licence holders.  It gives them the opportunity to better understand how to execute an alliance best practice programme using the VST Alliance Optimisation Methodology.

Note: This is a VST ‘Members Only’ Workshop for existing and new VST users only.

The meeting will include discussions and practical case studies of VST in action from companies like: Accenture, Adobe, Atos, AT&T; , BT Global Services, Canon, Canopy, Capgemini, CGI, Cisco, Cognizant, Colt Telecom Services, CSC, Dassault Systemes, Deloitte, Dimension Data, Dun and Bradstreet, EMC, Equinix, Experian, Fujitsu, HCL, HP Enterprise Services, IBM, Infosys, Kaspersky Lab, KPMG, Microsoft, NetApp, O2 Telefonica, Oracle, Pegasystems, PwC, Qliktech, Rackspace, Ricoh, Salesforce.com, Samsung, SAP, Schneider-Electric, Sungard, TCS, Tieto, VMware, and Wipro Technologies.

VST Alliance Optimisation Webinar

Further Details on How to Optimise Alliances Using VST are available here:


Why is it unique?

This workshop is unique for a number of reasons:

  • The content is based on the Alliance Best Practice Benchmarking Database of over 200,000 observations of alliances ‘in action’.  The only objective assessment of global alliances currently available.
  • The VST approach has been tested successfully at multiple leading edge partnering organisations including: Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, O2, IBM, Capgemini, VMware, EMC, Qliktech and PwC.
  • The course presenter (Mike Nevin) is an internationally renowned alliances 'guru'.
  • Course attendees will receive a complementary 12 month access to the alliance best practice database as a result of attending this course.

What will I learn?

At the end of the workshop attendees will be able to:

  • Recognise the 52 alliance best practice Common Success Factors (CSFs).
  • Understand how to use the CSFs to optimise their own alliance relationships.
  • Identify the potential for added commercial value in their alliances.
  • Benchmark their results against the ABP database.

Why is it Valuable?

Attendees at previous courses have been able to increase the value of their alliance relationships by anything up to 250% as a result of attending this course.

What will I take Away?

  • An Alliance Benchmarking and Assessment Tool
  • A comprehensive alliance glossary of terms manual
  • Access to 100+ alliance best practice white papers, templates, tools and coaching manuals all focused on alliance optimisation

How do I Book / Get Further Details?

Registration is solely by advance registration at one of the links above. 


The meeting will include discussions and practical case studies of VST in action from companies like: Accenture, Adobe, Atos, AT&T; , BT Global Services, Canon, Canopy, Capgemini, CGI, Cisco, Cognizant, Colt Telecom Services, CSC, Dassault Systemes, Deloitte, Dimension Data, Dun and Bradstreet, EMC, Equinix, Experian, Fujitsu, HCL, HP Enterprise Services, IBM, Infosys, Kaspersky Lab, KPMG, Microsoft, NetApp, O2 Telefonica, Oracle, Pegasystems, PwC, Qliktech, Rackspace, Ricoh, Salesforce.com, Samsung, SAP, Schneider-Electric, Sungard, TCS, Tieto, VMware, and Wipro Technologies.

KPMG Offices
8 Salisbury Square, London, , EC4Y 8BB (View Map)
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