Pay360 Innovate
Thursday 3 July, 8:30 AM 2014 to 5:00 PM 2014
, London, England, Online (View Map)




 Thursday 3 July 2014 - London, UK


How do you achieve success in the complex world of emerging payments?

Great idea, good luck or dogged determination?


At Pay360 Innovate, join successful payments innovators to share their secrets and help transform your business.

Pay360 Innovate is a one-day interactive event for payments professionals, which will share innovation success stories and showcase the latest products impacting the market.

Payments ‘Heroes’

Participate in a series of interactive sessions with payments ‘heroes’, who will share their stories of how they successfully launched new and disruptive payments products. They’ll share secrets of their success, helping you to develop your offer and innovate yourself.

Technology showcase

Meet the new kids on the block who will showcase the latest technology, offering live demonstrations so you can get hands-on with all the latest ideas.


Contact us if you’re interested in speaking at or sponsoring Pay360 Innovate:

Email: zoe.perkins@yourgx.com
Web: www.yourgx.com/pay360
Twitter: @pay_360

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Pay360 is a Gx Event

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