Meet up and Make - new friends and networks
Thursday 21 August, 5:00 PM 2014 to 8:00 PM 2014
, London, , Online (View Map)


Free and friendly events in Southwark and Lambeth for people who want to make good things happen in their area.

We know it is sometimes tricky to feel confident enough to start something new, find people to help you or know where to get funding. Through these informal events we hope to help you learn something new and useful and meet other people who care about similar things.

August 21 – new friends and networks

It’s the month where people take a breather, so let’s go to the pub. We’ll reserve some space, and hopefully it’ll be a nice way to informally meet new people who care about similar things.


A whole range of people will share their experiences with us throughout the summer. Speakers include local heroes, funders and investors, scientists, entrepreneurs, psychologists, and designers. 


You will learn 

  • About local funding opportunities.
  • A bit about networking.
  • Highs and lows of making ideas happen.


This will interest

People who care about making good things happen in their area.



There are five events in the Meet up and Make series between May and September. We'd love to see you at one or all of them:


May 15an adventurous start

June 19confident creative ideas

July 17a journey into the unknown

September 18 - a genuine change

a pub TBC
, London, , Online (View Map)
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apps WorldNovember 12, 2014, 8:30 amOlympia National, London
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