C4D Seminar Series: C4D for Evaluation and Impact - Panel Discussion
Thursday 24 July, 6:00 PM 2014 to 9:00 PM 2014
Westminster University, London, , Online (View Map)

This event will explore the latest developments and thinking within the field of Communication for Development for Evaluation and Impact.

This event is part of the Communication for Development Seminar Series organised with Westminster University, London. The aim of the Series is to explore key innnovations and topics in development and communications. The Series includes monthly high level panel discussions on key themes within communication for development, with participation from representatives of international NGOs, donors, academia and a wide range of C4D experts who are members of the C4D Network. The Series events will be live streamed for C4D Network members online and will be available as audio visual downloads and archived online for future sharing and learning.

Westminster University, London, , Online (View Map)
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