Roman Pichler's Writing Great User Stories Workshop, London, November 2014
Thursday 20 November, 9:00 AM 2014 to 5:00 PM 2014
138-142 Holborn, London, , EC1N 2NQ (View Map)

User stories are probably the most popular agile technique to capture product functionality: Writing a story is easy. But writing the right user stories with the right details can be hard. This hands-on training course teaches you what you need to know to write great stories and to take your story writing to the next level.

Benefit from Roman's outstanding track record in teaching product owners, product managers, business analysts and project managers write effective user stories, and attend this instructor-led, interactive workshop with plenty of practical exercises that allow you to try out the techniques and tools covered.

If you would like to have this course delivered onsite or as a webinar, then please contact us.

Modelling the Users
  • Personas for identifying and describing users with their behaviour and goals
  • A template for writing effective personas
  • Persona do’s and don’ts
User Story Essentials
  • User story size and structure: Epics vs. detailed stories
  • Story templates
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Qualities of good stories
User Stories in Action
  • Deriving stories from the persona goals
  • Progressively decomposing user stories
  • The Definition of Ready
  • User story workshops to create and update stories
  • User stories on the product backlog
 Advanced User Story Topics
  • Nonfunctional requirements as stories
  • Creating user story workflows, models and story maps
  • Avoiding common user story mistakes

Audience  Product owners, product managers, UX designers, business analysts and project managers.



You should have a working knowledge of an agile method such as Scrum or Kanban.  Roman's book Agile Product Management with Scrum is helpful to prepare for the course.

PDUs and SEUs

Attending the course earns you PDUs toward the Project Management Institute’s PMI-ACP (Agile Certified Practitioner) designation and SEUs for the Certified Scrum Professional (CSP) of the Scrum Alliance.

De Vere Venues Holborn Bars
138-142 Holborn, London, , EC1N 2NQ (View Map)
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