FOTE14 - Future of Technology in Education
Friday 3 October, 9:00 AM 2014 to 4:00 PM 2014
Senate House, London, , WC1E 7HU (View Map)

FOTE14 will be held on 3rd October 2014 at Senate House and as always we have worked hard to put on another great event to showcase trends and technologies that will impact teaching and learning in the coming 1 to 3 years. NMC’s Technology Outlook report and Gartner’s Hype Cycle outline a number of technologies which are likely to impact the education sector in the short and mid-term and we will aim to shine a light on a few of those at the FOTE14 conference.


Who should attend? 

With a wide range of topics covered, from both a pedagogy and technological perspective, FOTE14 is going to be a must attend event for anyone with an interest in the application of technology, including:

  • IT Directors/Managers, 
  • Learning Technologists, 
  • Practitioners, 
  • VC’s/Principals 


Connect with us

Make sure you stay up to date with all things FOTE through our Twitter, Facebook and Google+. The conference hashtag is #fote14, so make sure to use it when you tweet & blog about the event.

Senate House
Senate House, London, , WC1E 7HU (View Map)
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