Day 1: APA Training's: Train The Trainer - Delivering Professional Training
Thursday 26 June, 9:00 AM 2014 to 11:45 PM 2014
Fort Dunlop, Birmingham, West Midlands, B249FE (View Map)

Join us on this two day non-residential workshop designed for those people that occasionaly deliver training sessions and want to learn more, improve their technique or just want to understand how people learn?

Course Objectives:

At the end of the training participants will have:

  • Received training on the Training Cycle, Learning Styles, Learner Motivation and Dealing with Difficult Delegates!
  • Learnt how to design a professional training session, including writing aims and objectives 
  • Practiced delivering a short training session with supportive feedback
  • Received top tips for delivering a professional training session

The course is led by our Senior Trainer Phil Alexander. Phil has an Master's Degree in Training & Development and over 25 years experience in the field, so you will get the best experience and support available.

Book now or contact Phil to find out more on Email: apatrainingltd@aol.com or Web: apatrainingltd.com or ring 07825224830

Fort Dunlop, Birmingham, West Midlands, B249FE (View Map)
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