Day 2: HTML5 Jumpstart - Zero to Hero
Tuesday 15 July, 12:00 AM 2014 to 4:30 PM 2014
Elizabeth House, London, , SE1 7NQ (View Map)

In order to design websites, you must first understand how they work through the basic
language of HTML. In this comprehensive introduction, you’ll not only learn how HTML
creates a website, you’ll also advance all the way to the more complex later versions of
XHTML and HTML5, and begin working with the fundamentals of CSS. Over five days in
the HTML5 Jumpstart class, you’ll be able to practice as you learn so that by the end of
the course you’ll be able to confidently create your own W3-compliant and fully
professional websites.
This Jumpstart is not delivered over 5 consecutive days, which helps you when planning
your training and absence from your office

Zero to "HTML HERO" in just 5 days!!
This class provides you with the concepts and skills to use HTML effectively right through
to using HTML5. You get hands-on practice working with basic through advanced
techniques to get the most out of your experience.
You will learn the basics of coding for web design, beginning with HTML and advancing to
more complex XHTML, HTML5 and CSS fundamentals.
The HTML5 section of the class will give you the first hand experience with all the new
HTML5 features so that you can start using it in your projects right away
This Jumpstart is not delivered over 5 consecutive days, which helps you when planning
your training and absence from your office

Who is this course for?
People new to Web design that desire a deeper understanding of HTML, and the new
standards of web design. The HTML5 section of the class is designed for software
developers interested in designing, creating, and deploying HTML5 web applications. It is
valuable to both beginners and advanced developers that already have experience in
developing web applications.

Assumed Knowledge

We will assume little or no prior knowledge of HTML and CSS in this course but you
should have a basic working knowledge of either the Windows or Mac.

What you will learn
• Basics of HTML and CSS,
• Planning your Web Site,
• Formatting,
• Images and Styles,
• Understanding Properties,
• Working with Colors and Background Images,
• The DIV Tag and
• Layout and building Basic Forms
• Know how to use HTML5 Markup
• Know how to use the HTML5 JavaScript APIs
• Understand current browser support for the various HTML5 features
• Understand how to emulate certain HTML5 features on older browsers


• The World Wide Web
• Client Side vs. Server Side
• The web technologies
• Evolution of the World Wide Web
• What is Web 2.0
• Workings of HTTP
• The fundamentals of the web
• What is AJAX?
• The W3C
• Web Standards
• Web Accessibility

• What is a Browser?
• Browser Wars
• Netscape to Chrome
• Browser Statistics
• A Modern Browser
• Cross-Browser compatibility issues
• Internet Explorer 6 issues
• Mobile Browsers

The Syntax
• A self-closing tag.
• block vs. inline• Site Architecture
• File & Folder Management
• Site definition
• Naming conventions
• Defining assets

• The Different DOCTYPE's
• What is a DOCTYPE
• The DTD
• XML declaration issue
• XHTMLising your code
• Document Object Model
• HTML5 Default options

• Adding Meta tags
• Keywords, Descriptions and Refresh
• The Character Set
• HTML Comments
• Script Tag

• Deprecated Style tags
• Linking to CSS
• Defining Media type
• div & span tags

• HTML tags & elements
• Deprecated tags
• Semantics in the language
• Page Structure
• Headings & Paragraphs

Semantic Tags
• Ordered & Un-Ordered Lists
• Nested Lists
• Data Types and Definitions
• Special Characters
• adding title attribute
• using the address tag
• cite, dfn, var, abbr
• the small tag and it's semantics
• code, kbd, samp and pre• Quoting in HTML
• bold, strong, italic and emphasis

• Table headers
• Accessibility in Tables
• Nesting Tables
• Adding Captions
• Merging columns and rows

Web Images
• What the future holds
• SVG and Canvas
• When to use what image format
• Image attributes
• Alternate text for Accessibility
• Figure Captioning

• The anchor tag
• Jump links to an ID
• relative & absolute links
• server side relative linking.
• open new tabs
• Linking to an email address

• The form tag
• GET vs. POST
• action method
• Text fields
• Setting Accessibility labels
• Text Area
• Check boxes
• Drop-down lists
• Radio buttons
• Radio Groups
• Upload a file
• Fieldset & accessibility
• Submit & Reset buttons
• Javascript form onclear

HTML5 in Forms
• email, url, date, week input types• time, datetime, month input types
• number, range and search input types
• tel & color input type
• list, autofocus and required attributes
• multiple, pattern and autocomplete
• min, max and step

• Buying a Domain
• Buying hosting space
• File transfer Protocol
• Uploading files to a server
• Testing online

HTML5 Overview
• History of HTML5
• The HTML5 vision
• WHATWG and W3C specifications
• What is part of HTML5?
• HTML5 roadmap

Using HTML5 Today
• When can I use these features?
• Using HTML5 on mobile devices
• Moving away from Flash
• Building fast web applications
• Performance Analysis
• Developer Tools
• Using HTML5 in browsers that do not support it
• Detecting native availability of HTML5 features
• Emulation

HTML5 Markup
• HTML5 page structure
• HTML5 markup
• HTML 5 Structural elements
• HTML 5 Semantic elements
• Deprecated elements
• HTML5 and CSSHTML5 Forms
• HTML5 form elements
• Building and using HTML5 forms

HTML5 Offline Applications
• HTML5 offline applications
• Offline manifest files
• ApplicationCache events

HTML5 Audio and Video
• The audio and video elements
• Understanding audio and video
• Audio and video containers
• Audio and video codecs

Overview of the HTML5 APIs
• Overview of the HTML5 APIs
• Common building blocks
• Programming HTML5

HTML5 Canvas and SVG Overview
• Canvas vs. SVG
• Canvas coordinates
• Context
• Accessibility
• Pixel data

HTML5 Communication APIs
• Cross-document messaging
• Understanding the origin concept

Elizabeth House, London, , SE1 7NQ (View Map)
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