Full Moon in Cancer Crystal Workshop

FLAT 5, 1 Alexandra Place, London, , NW8 0DY
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Happy Full Moon Circle

Crystal Healing Workshop

from 7pm-10pm

on Monday 5th January 2015

We meet in a circle meditating, praying, channelling crystal light, sending healing energy, receiving healing love and celebrating your life.

This Full Moon Circle Gathering is wonderful sacred time to celebrate yourself and your completions.  We will celebrate actions you have completed and areas in your life that are blooming.  Sometimes we do not know how much we have achieved until we sit in a sacred supportive space to do this. 

REQUEST: If you need energy or support for an intention or your life, please drop us a private email with your name, age, place where you live and the subject.  We will place a candle in the circle for every person or intention.  If you are asking on behalf of a friend, relative or animal, please ask their permission first.  The act of asking already activates the healing.   

OFFERING: Please bring some refreshments to share if you can.  Thank you.




1. We will be doing Sacred Chakra movements which will be empowering your divine self.


2. We will be writing your completions and achievements with this Full Moon; and beyond.


3. We will be dressing up the God/Goddess in you and dancing to Shamanic music, Honouring you.


4. There will be an extensive guided Meditation.


5. We will be working with crystals to clean, uplift and guide your Energy. A very healing experience.


6. We will be drawing cards towards the end of the workshop in order to crystalise what you have intended and what you have received.  


All of this will be done, and quite possibly more, all within a Safe Healing Circle with guided interpretation and lots of laughter!   




“Completely overwhelmed, yet relieved. My spirit feels liberated, enlightened and reassured by my own being.” Manager

"..I remember our Full Moon Meditation in Egypt which was a truly beautiful and unforgettable experience. And the healing you did to me on the plane going home!!! You have magical hands ;-) Thank you." Anne-Mette Hedensted

“I Feel I have achieved clarity and direction in my life. Thank you so much for all your help and extra time and patience. Much love.” Tania




Mother Moon is pregnant with life. There is power and magic in the air. The moon is round, making the atmosphere pregnant with emotion and desire. The cup is full and the cup ‘runneth’ over. As such, it is a time full of emotional energy which is very high. It is a time to face these varied emotions.  


Everything is amplified with the energy of the full moon e.g. emotions, passions, love etc. You may experience strongly charged emotions with abundant, sometimes uncontrollable feelings; which can lead you to lose control in a positive or negative way. Remember – the choice, as always, is yours. 


What you perceive as your reality depends on what you are feeling. At the time of the full moon, this can cause a lot of confusion if not checked. The gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon on our beloved Earth set these extremes up. This can be a hard time to find balance. A time of extremes. 



2014 DATES


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