
This is a past event
THE GULBENKIAN, The Gulbenkian, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NB
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Digibury is Kent's monthly meet-up event for digital and creative types hosted by Deeson Online. Running every second Wednesday of the month at The Gulbenkian, the University of Kent's art centre, you are invited join like-minded people to listen to talks, watch demos and learn more about amazing ideas in tech, art, digital, and science.

Talk 1:
In his talk Colour, Creativity, and Running Away, Designer Martin Jewiss explores the impact colour has on psychological function. Based on recent research, Martin presents his development of a code environment colour palette to help designers and developers improve their creativity and productivity.

Talk 2:
Liam Gooding is serial entreprenuer and founder of trak.io. His talk Blood, Sweat and Fears lifts the lid on his recent start-up journey, from concept to six-figure investment… warts and all. Lets just say, it's been emotional!

Talk 3:
Under-representation of women at technology and digital conferences is a well-documented phenomenon. Drawing on her work with 300 Seconds - a movement empowering female speakers - Ann Kempster will be exploring why we need to work harder at ensuring women are given a platform to practice their presenting skills, particularly in the tech world.

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